History: This project was to promote the family car ZS Electric. The video is a review of the car model done by a famous English influencer mum.
Process: I edited the full 4 min video to be 20 and 10 seconds so it can be used as a YouTube Ad.
To roll out the concept in other display channels, I turned the video into an Instagram 15 seconds story highlighting the features of the car with animated words. I also duplicate the video a few times and used it as a background to make it dynamic and to use the whole vertical layout since the video was provided in landscape format.
Software: Premiere & After Effects Working at: Audience Store Role: Creative Lead
History: Video campaign to promote the range of family SUVs to make family travel easier. The video is about a study to poll 1,000 kids to answer an age-old debate: ‘Who’s the better driver, mum or dad?’
Process: I worked alongside the marketing team to pick the best shots, edited them and created each dynamic question frame.
This was running as a YouTube video as well as on MG website following by a small infographic displaying the conclusions.